
How to Curb Your Appetite

Posted by on 11th Sep 2014

It is really easy to fall victim to "the munchies" late at night our throughout the day when you are at work or otherwise, which can ultimately lead to unwanted weight gain. Controlling your appetite can be more difficult than it may seem, which will prevent you from getting guaranteed weight loss. Here are some tips to control your appetite:

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and non-starchy vegetables are low on calorie count because they contain a lot of water and fiber but are big and bulky and will help curb your appetite, while still helping you to lose weight.
  2. Get Skinny! The Skinny Jane products are specially formulated to help curb your appetite and eliminate your cravings. Order you Skinny Jane Challenge today to boost your metabolism and help guide you to easy weight loss as well as fast weight.
  3. Stay away from white flour products. Not only are foods such as white potatoes, white rice, white bread and sweets high on the glycemic index and extra refined, they can actually make you feel hungrier. Switch to whole grain products to help curb your appetite.
  4. Watch out for addictive foods. Recent studies have actually found that foods that are high in sugar and fat can be truly addicting and keep us from being able to stop eating them. Foods to watch out for include: ice cream, cakes, cookies, cheeseburgers, fried foods and other sweets and fast-foods.
  5. Don't drink beverages that are high in sugar. Drinking sugary beverages is one of the worst things you can do. Not only is sugar bad for you in general, but when you are drinking sugar, you are essentially just drinking empty calories because you won't feel full or get any nutritional value.
  6. Eat breakfast. By eating a healthy breakfast in the morning you will not only start your day off feeling full, especially if you drink a Skinny Jane Shake, you will also get the nutrients you need to stay energized throughout the day and boost your metabolism.
  7. Get enough sleep. Studies are continuing to show that not getting enough sleep each night will cause you to be hungrier. After all, your body is using more energy to keep you awake longer. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help eliminate unnecessary cravings.

By following these simple tips, you will lower your appetite and be able achieve easy weight loss and fast weight loss.

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